Tens of thousands of Ohioans may be turned away from the polls
because of registration errors and a restrictive new state ruling on
provisional ballots.
1. Registration Errors:
Ohio’s 2000 Presidential election was decided by about 165,000
votes. Since the race will again be close in 2004, we must not allow
35,000 Ohio voters to be disenfranchised because of clerical or voter
errors in registration. A recent
Cleveland study of actual registration errors at the Board
of Elections found that about 1 in 20 applications are missing from the
rolls or entered incorrectly due to clerical or voter error. If these
voters are not alerted, then on Nov. 2 they could be not allowed to vote,
sent off somewhere else or forced to vote via a provisional ballot that
may be thrown out (see below) or challenged. We must bring citizen pressure
on public officials and local media to alert these voters in time to
re-register before Oct. 4.
2. New Ohio Ruling on Provisional Ballots
When problems arise at the polling place—for example
the voter’s
name is not on the registration list – the federal Help America
Vote Act of 2002 requires that all voters be provided a provisional ballot
and allowed to vote.But the details of which provisional
ballots will later be counted are left up to each state. On
September 16, Ohio Sec. of State Blackwell ruled that the ballots of
voters who for whatever reason go to the wrong precincts will be thrown
out. All voters with registration or change of address errors, many of
them through no fault of their own, could be disenfranchised with one
stroke. Now add: voters whose precinct has been changed, who have moved
and must now find their new polling place, who have child care or transportation
problems or who have limited time off to vote or don’t have time
to wait twice if they learn they are not at the correct precinct, and
we have tens or perhaps 100 thousand voters cast adrift. Add again that
youth, low income people, and African Americans and Hispanics move far
more frequently than the rest of the population, and we have a textbook
case of discrimination and voter suppression which betrays the spirit
of the Help America Vote Act.
Blackwell has outrageously violated his
promise of June 16, 2003, article XI,
that his provisional ballot policies will be “weighted more towards
inclusion … than challenges and exclusion” and “… will
accommodate every voter who, for whatever reason, does not appear on
the certified list of registered voters in any jurisdiction…” In
his new ruling, Blackwell cites Ohio law as justification for his decision.
However, he has the option to interpret that law to include many more
voters, but he has chosen not to do so, even though at least one large
County Board of Elections has done so in the past.
(Sample letter below)
Write Secretary Blackwell via his public representative, Carlo LoParo,
614-752-8110; e-mail, [email protected],
demanding that they immediately launch a statewide media campaign to
inform voters to check on their registrations and if necessary re-register
before October 4, and to find out their correct polling place before
November 2. Urge Blackwell to reverse his disastrous interpretation
on provisional ballots.
Write letters to the Editor and notes to local
newspapers and TV stations, explaining the urgent need for actions,
explaining and deploring the Secretary’s inaction and ruling
contrary to his promises, and asking them to do investigative stories
on these issues;
If you belong to an organization working on registration or election
issues in Ohio, have them check the voters they have registered against
Board of Election lists, immediately notify those not on the rolls
to re-register, and help spread the word that applications for voter
registration must be received by the county or the Secretary of State
by October 4.
One letter is fine; more is great. In descending order of priority,
please write to:
1) Sec. of State Blackwell c/o Carlo LoParo, [email protected],
2) Editor of local newspaper or local TV stations (A list of contacts for all
media outlets in Ohio the Juniper
Multi Media web site.)
3) Other influential community contacts you have,
4) President or Director of your County Board of Elections. (See address
list on CASE Ohio web site.) Please remember to insert your local Board
of Elections phone number, available on same CASE list, in your message to
local newspaper or community leader.
Dear _________
A recent Cleveland study indicates that up to 35,000
Ohio voters could be turned away from the polls on Nov. 2 because of
registration errors if action is not taken before the October 4 registration
deadline. The study found that more than 1 in 20 registrations and changes
of address forms were compromised because of either clerical or voter
errors. Most new voters, people who moved, or those with a name change
are unaware that they may have to re-register if they haven’t
yet received confirmation of their (re)registration forms, thereby putting
them in jeopardy of losing their right to vote
in November. Therefore, Secretary of State Blackwell must immediately
provide the resources, and all Boards of Elections must launch vigorous
media and community outreach campaigns to convey this information.
The new ruling by Secretary Blackwell stating
that ballots cast by voters in the wrong precinct will be thrown out
flies in the face of the spirit of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA),
which offers “provisional
balloting” to
remedy this very problem. It also disproportionately affects those
who have barely enough time to make it to just one precinct (people with
two jobs, child care problems, or no car), as well as those who move
more frequently and are subject to address difficulties; such groups
include young voters, low income people, and minorities. What ever happened
to our “inalienable
Secretary Blackwell must restore these rights by adopting more inclusive
rules for provisional ballots, rather than choosing the most restrictive
interpretation of Ohio Law.
For example, in Pennsylvania, a vote cast
in any precinct will count for federal or statewide offices, if the citizen
turns out to be properly registered elsewhere.
Don’t let Ohio become the Florida of 2004!
Your name and affiliation